
My fingers trace the newly
crafted early 20th century
looking chair.  Each plunge
into a crevice; the dirt, the grime,

the sweat of detox and fresh
high, the film of receiving and
providing even conjuring
every act of sex known to man

minus the internet, minus
forethought.  I tell him my
frequency (as seen in tides),
intensity (as seen with the moon),

and duration (as seen before sight
and after its gone).  I tell him
of drugs used from age 12 til
my family potentially mourns me.

We exchange war stories
because we are legion and home-
bound.  Scars neatly underskin.
We are ok. Strong sediment.


Spring Break '98

I feel vulnerable:
Like getting naked for the first time on tour
greasy corners you didn’t know yourself
a paltry thing all shower worthy while
you masturbate in the stranger’s bathtub
thinking of how to impress some broad
with cut-off tank top and shorts, beard
girth and short hair.  Thinking of home,


aground, aflame, asoar

to dig with pickaxe
a chop chop sound
arrhythmic in exercise,
ground broken
rocks, worms, roots
yields a hole cleared.
spread and clear,
arms muddy
dirt under fingernails,
this is safe earth
a stone felloe
and spoke of small sticks,
arid grass, branches cracked to fit.

rat-proportioned teepee
in it and of it
hoarded material
meant for burning,
for refuge.
like pocket knife, scrap paper
folded for a dull edge
scraped fingernails
then to penetrate
the wooden ingress
with Prometheus’ goods
filling epergne
smoke wove
up through centerpiece
intertwined like skinned races
then flame
engulfing them all the same.

up and up
ash rose as bats
around the form of man
arms, hairy neck and face,
mouth tasted it
nose inhaled it
eyes watered into it
the ears did nothing but feel the heat.
parry branches
the canopy
to find all the space,
between here and the moon,
to dissipate into